Thursday, October 10, 2013

The answer to YOUR question: "Is He / She The ONE?" is in the compatibility horoscope I'll do for you

With the help of a compatibility horoscope you will see very clearly EXACTLY what will happen with your relationship, even if you have just met. 

- Will you get married?
- Will it be best to just stray friends or buddies?
- Will HE / SHE break your heart into a thousand pieces?

In our compatibility horoscope you will see all aspects of your relationship: will you be able to agree on things, will you quarrel a lot and for what, where do your misunderstandings come from, are you tuned to each other's emotions...

If you only knew all this beforehand - so many things would have been different. Or - they still can.

I will tell you EXACTLY: - Is HE / SHE the One- Is there a sexual attraction and how strong it is - what kinds of relationship your attraction is good for- Will there be affection and love, or just sex- If they are destined to break your heart - we will warn you- If they are your One True Love - this will show up clearly into your synastry report and we will show you- If the two of you have a power struggle - we will tell you who has the upper hand and how to make that useful for your relationship

Also - in some couples there's a compatibility with regards to money - if you two have a synergy when it comes to making decisions together, earning money together, spending money together - we will tell you that too - so that the question of: "joint or separate accounts" to have an easy answer. 

It is also possible to be still in love with your ex, to dream about them, to keep thinking: What would have happened if we were to get back together? 

What we can do is - tell you exactly what went wrong in the relationship (when it comes to Planetary influence), what can happen and: is it worth it. In this way - we can help you get the courage to get back together or to finally move on with your life. 

We believe in LOVE and we sincerely with you find it. And - just to be sure that HE / SHE is the One - let is create you your compatibility horoscope: 15 pages of You and Him/ Her.

Wishing You True Love,

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