Friday, October 18, 2013

Birth Time Rectification

What is birth time rectification: 

Rectification is the astrology term for a mathematical correction of the time of birth. It works like this: You tell your astrologer the exact timing of major life events that have happened during your life time. From those events astrologers can calculate your exact time of birth. It is a bit of an art, and some astrologers may take more than a full day to rectify your time of birth. So, be kind on your astrologers and give them only absolutely accurate dates. A good way to find such accurate dates is to search through all your personal documents, and locate those dates. Such documents may include your passport (for travel stamps), certificates, contracts, letters, awards, diaries, appointment books, etc. Here is a list of events to calculate your exact birth time.

Why do you need it:

It is your exact time of birth that makes your horoscope unique.Your time of birth indicates the unique path of your destiny, that is different from all those peoples destinies who were born at your place on your birthday. From your exact time of birth an astrologer can calculate the timing of good opportunities for love, success, happiness, money, and your career. Once you know the calendar of all those good opportunities ahead of time, you will be able to plan for the changes you wish. With such a unique knowledge you can become the master of your own destiny. You can take full advantage of the proper timing in your life. You will know with certainty, when it will be better to wait, and when to make your moves.

How to find out your exact birth time: go to

Ask a question about love and I will create a horoscope for that question and give you the answer

What is horrary astrology:

Horary astrology is the branch of astrology that deals with answering your question by studying the astrological charts set for the exact time and place of asking  it.

It differs from the well known natal astrology, which gives insight on the entire life of a person. From a horary astrology chart, one can find the answer only to that specific question. that generated it.

What types of questions to ask: Basically anything connected to love, relationships, finances, etc. Just be specific. And then - ask up to 5 Yes and No questions that I can answer for you too. You can create an astrology chart for your question any time you are at crossroads or you don't know what to do.

How to create the astrology chart for your question: go to - 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The answer to YOUR question: "Is He / She The ONE?" is in the compatibility horoscope I'll do for you

With the help of a compatibility horoscope you will see very clearly EXACTLY what will happen with your relationship, even if you have just met. 

- Will you get married?
- Will it be best to just stray friends or buddies?
- Will HE / SHE break your heart into a thousand pieces?

In our compatibility horoscope you will see all aspects of your relationship: will you be able to agree on things, will you quarrel a lot and for what, where do your misunderstandings come from, are you tuned to each other's emotions...

If you only knew all this beforehand - so many things would have been different. Or - they still can.

I will tell you EXACTLY: - Is HE / SHE the One- Is there a sexual attraction and how strong it is - what kinds of relationship your attraction is good for- Will there be affection and love, or just sex- If they are destined to break your heart - we will warn you- If they are your One True Love - this will show up clearly into your synastry report and we will show you- If the two of you have a power struggle - we will tell you who has the upper hand and how to make that useful for your relationship

Also - in some couples there's a compatibility with regards to money - if you two have a synergy when it comes to making decisions together, earning money together, spending money together - we will tell you that too - so that the question of: "joint or separate accounts" to have an easy answer. 

It is also possible to be still in love with your ex, to dream about them, to keep thinking: What would have happened if we were to get back together? 

What we can do is - tell you exactly what went wrong in the relationship (when it comes to Planetary influence), what can happen and: is it worth it. In this way - we can help you get the courage to get back together or to finally move on with your life. 

We believe in LOVE and we sincerely with you find it. And - just to be sure that HE / SHE is the One - let is create you your compatibility horoscope: 15 pages of You and Him/ Her.

Wishing You True Love,